Lovin life. My love, My life, My Dream

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Want to hear the best thing in the world?

I think you do!!!! Pajamas. Just out of. the....... DRYER!!!! Then going to bed in them. ummm... pretty Freaking amazing. and then wearing you slippers and your zebra snuggie. Yeah... I am very comfortable. I'm all clean and warm. All I could ask for. heck yes. Who ever invented the Snuggie... I want to give them a Ginormous hug because I think they are amazing. Yeah if you don't like my snuggie... Then I don't like you!!!! just kidding kiddos. I'll like you still maybe just a bit less ;) Oooo so today, when I came home and looked in the mirror... like all of my eyeliner came off... bwahahaha. I looked, WEIRD. Oh goodness I'm silly. i looked really tan and natural. hmmm new look? I don't know. For those of you that I was with today tell me, how did it look. All the eyeliner came off probably from me laughing so hard I cried. Well tell me what you think. It didn't look to horrible just.. weird. Well comment and tell me. Cause Tessa is maybe thinking about attempting a natural look but she is afraid. This is how she looked when she got home:
Yeah I know, I make weird faces. hehhe its what i do!!!! well yeah I kinda liked it but kinda didn't. weird. heh heh heh. I was going to say something but I forgot. dang it. Well... yep thats it. I love you kiddos!!! :)
XOXO ily


  1. oh Tessa! I love my snuggie too and people make fun of me all the time because I am obsessed with it! ha ha and you are beautiful you don't even need to wear make up silly!

  2. Tessa, You ALWAYS look adorable. No. Matter. What.

  3. awhhh thanks you guy's :) heheh I love you. Maybe I'll attempt this look tomarrow. well thank you kiddo's. you made my day a lot better. oh and rachel... next time i'm in utah, i am bringing my snuggie.
